Shaping the Future of PR: What This Summer 2024 has Taught Us About What’s Next
The end of a season marks the perfect time to evaluate and reflect on its trends. At Bodega, staying at the forefront of these trends isn’t just a goal—it’s essential. Trends convey more than just an item or activity’s popularity. When viewed holistically, they reveal insights into shifting preferences and emerging opportunities.
This summer, recurring themes emerged across the industry. While trends are inevitable in PR, what did this summer's trends have in common? And how will they shape what’s next?
Here’s what stood out:
Photobooths (Rhode)
Pickleball / Tennis (Vaseline, Saintly, Mac Cosmetics)
PR day trips outside the city / Staycations (Ugg Canada)
At first glance, these trends share a common thread: they all involve activities that actively engage participants. Many creators have shared with us that they sometimes turn down invitations if they know it’s just another typical dinner-like event. This shift in expectations underscores a growing demand for dynamic, hands-on opportunities that foster deeper connections and meaningful engagement.
That’s not to say the sit-down dinner is obsolete. On the contrary, these events will remain a staple for years to come, as they fulfill key objectives—building brand love, engaging influencer communities, and driving awareness. However, we believe brands that prioritize creating engaging and memorable experiences will spark more conversation, ultimately encouraging creators to share content organically.
The takeaway? Put yourself in the creators’ shoes. Would you enjoy the event you or the agency is planning?